
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Game Changer
    A new commercial for Wayfair has my number. The husband in the commercial notes that Wayfair offers free shipping on furniture items ordered. “Free shipping,” the husband says, “game changer.”

    I, too, am easily seduced by offers of free shipping or extra low prices. And there must be more like me out there. For example, Amazon has introduced a new curve in its used book sales area. For the longest time, amazon offered used books at ridiculously low prices as long as you paid $3.99 for shipping per item. I often ordered used books. Even some of my own previously published works, which were being offered at crazy (perhaps even insulting) prices. Imagine an original Goodman in Very Good condition for $1.98 + $3.99 shipping—under 6 bucks! Hard to pass that up, even if my work is worth so much more, at least to me. It is a little hard on the ego to be “remaindered,” but it’s better than totally out of sight and mind.

    Then, a few months ago, a new wrinkle appeared. Some sellers still offered a book at, for example, $2.00 + the usual $3.99. While others provided a bargain—$5.98 with shipping included. Doing math, even in my head, I can see that the costs are almost identical. But the idea of getting free shipping has quickly won my business each time.
A good idea but terrible spelling
    This bargain hunting habit of mine takes other forms too. And sometimes the bargains that are helpful to my wallet are harmful to my waistline and my teeth. I am ashamed to admit it, but I like some types of candy that anyone above the age of 10 often eschews. I’m talking about candy corn and jelly beans, for example. I can usually talk myself out of buying candy corn in the days leading up to Halloween, when the bags may cost $3.00 or more. But in the first week of November, when the cost drops to 50 cents or less, I often succumb. I especially like those pumpkin things. As for jelly beans, the best time to stock up is clearly the week after Easter. Oh, the shame!!!

    I come by my bargain hunting naturally. My mother, especially in her later years, had a special affection for Dollar Stores. Imagine getting anything from cheese crackers to those fried onion crisps in a can to bath brushes to cleaning supplies for $1 each (or even 99 cents at certain stores).She might not be getting the best quality, but she definitely got more bang for her buck! I even took advantage of her predilection. It was never easy to find the right present for my mother on Mother’s Day or even her birthday. She would usually say she didn’t need anything and didn’t want anything. And even when I did find what I thought was the perfect gift, it was often given a lukewarm reception. Then I decided to send her a gift card to the Dollar Store nearest to her home. Bingo—success! That became my gift of choice for several years, and it was always a hit.
Dollar Power Indeed!
    One funny story comes to mind here. My mother often bought greeting cards from the Dollar Store. Why spend $3.99 or more for a card that was going to be opened and read only once, she reasoned. But she didn’t always read the cards carefully herself. One year, my very Jewish mother sent a birthday card to my daughter/her granddaughter that opened with the words “To a wonderful granddaughter” then proceeded to a flowery message that promised love not only from Grandma but also from Jesus. “I know just where Nana got this card,” Amanda said with a laugh.

    Some people say many Baby Boomers are big bargain hunters because their parents lived through the Depression, and they passed along a certain financial wariness to us. Maybe that’s true. Amazon has picked up on that. And Dollar Stores are popping up everywhere you look. I’m a big fan of both. And I am also looking forward to February 15 next month when I’ll probably be in the market for those “teeth-rotting” Valentine Conversation Hearts when the prices drop.
Is there a right time to buy Conversation Hearts?

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